5 Most Important Facts About Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be defined medically as a condition where a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection and cannot have sex. Erectile dysfunction is also known as impotence and infertility. Most health care providers avoid using the term "infertility" because it can harm the male ego. With medicine, one can get the desired erection to satisfy sexual activity.

Erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, but that is not true. Many other factors can cause erectile problems. There could be other causes of erectile dysfunction. Sometimes, even older men can have sex and erections that are strong. Before we can discuss the facts about erectile dysfunction, which can treat with medicines such as Cenforce 200 and Vidalista 20, it is important to understand the causes.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

These are the cases where ED occurs:

  1. It happens when there is a decrease in blood flow to the penis or nerve damage.
  2. Excessive stress and emotional reasons.
  3. It is a warning sign for more serious illnesses such as heart disease, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, high blood pressure, or other conditions.
  4. ED can be caused by lifestyle issues such as excessive weight, smoking, drinking, or exposure to pollutants.

It is a topic that many men, or even couples, feel embarrassed to talk about. Erectile dysfunction is not a disease but can reverse in most cases. It is important to understand the facts.

These facts can help you change your view of erectile dysfunction.

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1. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by accidents: 

spinal and nerve injuries, heavy metal poisoning, and nerve damage due to pelvic surgery can all lead to erectile dysfunction. Even major trauma can lead to long-term dysfunction if the blood flow or nerves are disrupted.

Only seamless communication between the brain, the complex network of nerves in the penis and the complex network of blood vessels and nerves in the brain can allow for an erection. In most cases, erectile dysfunction is permanent if caused by injury or accident.

2. Is there a variety of erectile disorders? 

There are. The medical expert determines the treatment.

Organic erectile disorder is when there are abnormalities within the penile veins or penile arteries. It is the most common cause of erectile problems in older men. It is often due to the hardening of the blood vessels. You can prevent it by losing weight, living a healthy lifestyle, reducing cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and not becoming addicted to alcohol or cigarettes. It is where medicines such as Cenforce 150 may be helpful.

There are many types of erectile dysfunction, apart from organic erectile disorder.

Prolactin-induced erectile disorder - Hormonal abnormalities such as an increase in prolactin, a steroid used to build the body, can often lead to prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction.

Low testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction. Many drugs can cause low testosterone.

Depression- depression and erectile dysfunction are often connected and work in conjunction with each other. Erectile dysfunction is often caused by the medicines they use.

Diabetes - diabetes is a common condition that causes hardening of the arteries and thus erectile dysfunction.

3. Premature Ejaculation 

Often, erectile dysfunction and premature Ejaculation are mistakenly referred to as one issue. First, the treatment for each one is different.

Visit here: How Does Stress And Anxiety Affect ED?

Nizagara 100mg can treat erectile dysfunction, but not both. Can describe Premature Ejaculation as:

  1. Ejaculation takes place within a matter of minutes after vaginal penetration.
  2. Another problem is when Ejaculation is not delayed in all or most vaginal penetrations. It can lead to personal problems like frustration, distress, and avoidance of intimation.

Different causes than the cause can often cause premature Ejaculation.

Premature Ejaculation for life: This problem can be present from the beginning of coitus.

Premature Ejaculation: In this instance, the other person had a successful relationship and has not developed the problem.

Psychogenic erectile dysfunction (or performance anxiety) is a condition that can be caused by anxiety about performance.

Erectile dysfunction can be treated and is usually reversible. Vidalista 60 and Fildena 100 are two examples of medicines that can be used to treat premature Ejaculation. However, it is important to know the history of each patient before treating them. 

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